Sunday, October 14, 2012

Untitled #2

I wish we'd had more time.

A day, a week.

Just, a little bit more.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Have you ever watched Strangers, Again by the Wong Fu Productions?

Of course you have. It's so simple, so painfully poignant.

It is one of the stories in my life. Two strangers meeting and they find something special, someone to believe 
in. Someone with whom forever may not be long enough.

The short walks you through the stages in a relationship; from strangers to friends, to the passionate going out stage, to the sadly inevitable comfortable (read neglect) stage, and then, finally, to a parting of paths.

Strangers to friends to something much more to an abruptly strangers, again.

I don't disagree with this. The video is so relatable because so many of us have gone through something similar.

It reminds me of Barney's 'Don't poop where you eat' theory, aka the Platinum Rule, otherwise known as the never-love-thy-neighbour paradigm.

He lays out the stages as Attraction-Bargaining-Submission-Perks-Tipping Point-Purgatory-Confrontation-Fallout. Ted then adds another stage, Coexistence.

I think Ted is partially right, and so were the guys at WFP.

I'd like to change that last stage, to more than just coexistence. Let's call that that stage Friendship, a stage that comes with much time, and much patience.

Because to be any less than that would signify some degree of unforgiveness, of not letting go.

You don't have to be strangers, again, or to merely acknowledge the other's existence.

Friendship is possible, but it requires both to be mature, to acknowledge that the past did happen, to be honest that there was pain, but there was also love, and above all of it, the love you shared was real.

I can honestly say I am a better person today, because the people in my past chose to forgive me and to look above my failings.

Maybe, we need to change the perception to Friends, Again.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I asked a friend to describe me, to be as brutal and honest as she possibly could.

She said a few things, but the one that struck me the most is that I am a runner. I run away.

I wanted to tell her, she's wrong, that I fight if I need to want to, but the truth is, she's right. I run. Away. From a situation that I dislike, from my past, and in doing so, inadvertently I shape a future from which I want to run.

And it goes on and on; a sick-cycle carousel.

Where can you run to escape from yourself?

I received a package today. It was a reminder of the past, of a girl that I really, really wronged.  I have been running from it, without meaning to. We were good friends, and I cut her from my life.

Without going to much into it, I was expecting old letters, and reminders of a failure - not that our relationship was a failure, but that I was. Tears. Recrimination.

But there was nothing like that. It was a new letter as well as a present for my birthday, and in between them, forgiveness and love.

I don't know what to say - and speechlessness doesn't afflict me often, but.. I am just so overwhelmed right now.

And even more than that, I feel God telling me, "You don't have to run. You don't have to beat yourself up. There are people I have put in your life that loves you, that care, that will make you better if you allow them. Open up to them."

I ran away, and yet, here is grace. Grace to make it right. Grace, undeserved, unasked, and yet, so overwhelming.

Where can you run to escape from yourself?

Nowhere. Or rather, nowhere that matters.

But the carousel doesn't have to go around again. You can stop running. You can be better.

I can be better.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I am faceless.

All my life, I avoided labels. I hate it when people peg me down as something, anything. Even something nice, like oh, he's a nice guy. Yeah, he's a musician. Oh, yeah, he's a good Christian. Or, yeap, he's very talented at murdering cute puppies.

I am faceless. I don't like people giving me labels, and so I avoid doing it to myself as well.

I'm 24, and it just occurred to me - I don't even who I am, because all my life I have avoided giving myself a label. A face.

An identity.

And in doing so, I am losing out on what God has called me to be. I never gave Him a chance to call me His.

I never gave him a chance to give me an identity.

I never showed my love for Him out loud, because then I'd be the boy who loved Jesus.

He has made every single person to be so utterly unique, so unbearably, heart-breakingly beautiful, and even then, I refused to acknowledge that I am one of these.

You are utterly unique. Beautiful, and perfectly called to His purposes.

I am not a void. I am not faceless.

I am not faceless.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Untitled #1

You were the greatest disaster.

And I'd still do it all over again.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I just realised we have it all wrong.

It used to be I love you. I'll marry you. I'll sleep with you.

Or even, I'll marry you. I'll sleep with you. Maybe I'll even love you.

Which changed to, I love you, and if you're good to me, I'll sleep with you. 

Or even, I love you, I'll sleep with you.

And we've come all the way to I'll sleep with you, and if you're good at it, I may even love you.

Or even, I'll sleep with you. Period.

Hey I've got nothing better to do I'll sleep with you.

Hey you like Jurassic Park me too I'll sleep with you.

Hey you've got boobs I'll sleep with you.

Hey I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so sleep with me maybe.

Where else can we go from here?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ac mi vitae enim imperdiet condimentum vel id justo. Duis a sodales nisi. In feugiat dolor non mi adipiscing rutrum. Sed dictum molestie consequat. Suspendisse malesuada elementum nibh non volutpat. Nullam sed libero erat. Pellentesque sollicitudin tempor justo eget feugiat. Donec in nisl vitae tellus semper commodo ac sit amet tellus.

Nunc varius quam et nisl ultricies vitae commodo lacus vulputate. Suspendisse potenti. Donec nec magna id augue blandit dictum ut in libero. Ut a lacus massa, quis varius eros. Cras interdum felis ut risus volutpat vel posuere nulla tempus. Vivamus nibh felis, ornare ut pellentesque ut, tempor euismod lorem. Ut lacinia congue sagittis. Nam blandit neque nec elit pellentesque at semper lorem mattis. Etiam volutpat vestibulum justo interdum pellentesque. Nullam hendrerit mi ut lorem porttitor sollicitudin. Etiam vel ultrices orci. Mauris lacinia consequat quam, a bibendum metus cursus eu. Curabitur ultrices elit in sapien pulvinar sollicitudin. Pellentesque tincidunt sem at turpis tincidunt sit amet congue risus viverra.

Etiam adipiscing purus in urna condimentum vestibulum. Aliquam sollicitudin nunc id metus sollicitudin vestibulum. Integer posuere venenatis nunc, ut sagittis diam tincidunt eu. Aliquam erat volutpat. In pharetra, quam mattis porta elementum, neque turpis posuere magna, et adipiscing metus orci et leo. Maecenas aliquet lectus id eros rhoncus ut vehicula lacus fringilla. Integer vitae enim eu augue blandit venenatis. Vivamus magna elit, elementum in tempus a, tincidunt id ante. Donec id interdum odio.

Duis lacus odio, luctus lacinia tempus non, semper ac diam. Fusce at leo tempor sem ultrices congue et at dui. Duis ac dui nec nisi lacinia congue id vitae ligula. Nullam pulvinar porttitor leo sit amet sollicitudin. Sed ut augue a magna congue molestie. Sed interdum commodo nulla, vel viverra sem laoreet id. Integer viverra metus ut nisi laoreet interdum. Donec massa risus, aliquet in malesuada facilisis, commodo porttitor leo. Morbi ultrices purus turpis, vel accumsan mi. Aliquam rutrum, ipsum sit amet vulputate interdum, eros risus feugiat arcu, id dictum nisi mauris eget turpis. Vestibulum mi erat, interdum et porttitor at, tincidunt vel magna. Morbi vel nibh est. Phasellus quis felis vitae urna sodales tempus vitae eget dui. In viverra luctus diam nec lacinia. Duis lectus tortor, faucibus nec fringilla nec, adipiscing id lacus. Vivamus euismod, augue at pellentesque euismod, urna nibh euismod eros, at condimentum nisl nulla vitae ante.

Curabitur pharetra velit vitae libero dictum dignissim. Nam venenatis enim et metus convallis ornare placerat turpis lacinia. Duis a suscipit tellus. Quisque iaculis, odio non pulvinar porttitor, tellus mauris placerat erat, sed aliquam libero ante faucibus nisi. Nulla sodales, lacus ut vestibulum feugiat, justo orci elementum tortor, sit amet fermentum nisi neque vitae metus. Vivamus vel augue dolor. Pellentesque turpis eros, viverra vel lacinia a, condimentum a ligula. Vestibulum a justo augue. Etiam eleifend ultrices diam, id dictum ante vestibulum mattis. Etiam augue quam, fermentum vitae molestie quis, volutpat sed arcu. Maecenas erat tellus, aliquet et condimentum ut, venenatis vitae urna.